AE: Air quality index in Syracuse, NY

Application exercise

March 19, 2024



aqi_levels <- tribble(
  ~aqi_min, ~aqi_max, ~color,    ~level,
  0,        50,       "#D8EEDA", "Good",
  51,       100,      "#F1E7D4", "Moderate",
  101,      150,      "#F8E4D8", "Unhealthy for sensitive groups",
  151,      200,      "#FEE2E1", "Unhealthy",
  201,      300,      "#F4E3F7", "Very unhealthy",
  301,      400,      "#F9D0D4", "Hazardous"

Import and clean Syracuse 2023 data

syr_2023 <- read_csv(file = "data/aqi-syracuse/ad_aqi_tracker_data-2023.csv")

syr_2023 <- syr_2023 |>
  clean_names() |>
  mutate(date = mdy(date))


Recreate the plot

Basic line chart

Demo: Draw a simple line chart of the AQI in Syracuse for 2023.

# draw the graph
syr_2023 |>
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = aqi_value, group = 1)) +
  # plot the AQI in Syracuse
  geom_line(linewidth = 1, alpha = 0.5)

Add color shading

Your turn: Add color shading to the plot based on the AQI guide. The color palette does not need to match the specific colors in the table yet.


You can use geom_rect() to draw rectangles on a plot. Remember the layered grammar of graphics and arrange the geom_*() in an appropriate order.

# draw the graph
syr_2023 |>
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = aqi_value, group = 1)) +
  # shade in background with colors based on AQI guide
    data = TODO,
      ymin = TODO, ymax = TODO,
      xmin = TODO, xmax = TODO,
      x = TODO, y = TODO, fill = color
  ) +
  # plot the AQI in Syracuse
  geom_line(linewidth = 1, alpha = 0.5)

Use scale_fill_identity()

Your turn: Use the hexidecimal colors from the dataset for the color palette.

# add code here
... +

Label each AQI category on the chart

Your turn: Incorporate text labels for each AQI value directly into the graph. To accomplish this, you need to”

  • Calculate the midpoint AQI value for each category
  • Add a geom_text() layer to the plot with the AQI values positioned at the midpoint on the \(y\)-axis

Extend the range of the \(x\)-axis to provide more horizontal space for the AQI category labels without interfering with the trend line.

aqi_levels <- aqi_levels |>
  mutate(aqi_mid = ((aqi_min + aqi_max) / 2))

# add code here
... +
  # add text labels for each AQI category
    data = TODO,
    aes(x = TODO, y = aqi_mid, label = level),
    hjust = 1, size = 6, fontface = "bold", color = "white",
    family = "Atkinson Hyperlegible"

Add labels

Demo: Add a meaningful title, axis labels, caption, etc.

# add code here
... +
  # human-readable labels
    x = NULL, y = "AQI",
    title = "Ozone and PM2.5 Daily AQI Values",
    subtitle = "Syracuse, NY",
    caption = "\nSource: EPA Daily Air Quality Tracker"

Adjust plot theme components and use theme_minimal()

Your turn: Use theme_minimal() and get rid of the minor grid lines.

# add code here

Use fit-asp to ensure rendering is correct

Your turn: Render the plot with an aspect ratio of \(0.618\).

#| label: plot-final
#| fig-asp: 0.618

# add code here