Interpretable machine learning: overview and regression models

Lecture 22

Dr. Benjamin Soltoff

Cornell University
INFO 3312/5312 - Spring 2024

April 18, 2024



  • Homework 06
  • Friday lab: work on team projects


  • Introduce the concepts of interpretability and explainability
  • Identify points of interpretation in regression-based approaches
  • Communicate predictions, comparisons, and slopes of regression models
  • Distinguish between different forms of marginal effects

Interpretability and explainability


  • Interpretability is the degree to which a human can understand the cause of a decision
  • Interpretability is the degree to which a human can consistently predict the model’s result
  • How does this model work?


Answer to the “why” question

  • Why did the government collapse?
  • Why was my loan rejected?
  • Focuses on a single prediction

What is a good explanation?

  • Contrastive: why was this prediction made instead of another prediction?
  • Selected: Focuses on just a handful of reasons, even if the problem is more complex
  • Social: Needs to be understandable by your audience
  • Truthful: Explanation should predict the event as truthfully as possible
  • Generalizable: Explanation could apply to many predictions

Global vs. local methods

  • Interpretation \(\leadsto\) global methods
  • Explanation \(\leadsto\) local methods

White-box model

Models that lend themselves naturally to interpretation

  • Linear regression
  • Logistic regression
  • Generalized linear model
  • Decision tree

Black-box model

Black-box model

  • Random forests
  • Boosted trees
  • Neural networks
  • Deep learning

Interpreting regression models

Things one cares about with regression models

  1. Predictions - outcomes predicted by a fitted model for a given combination of values of the predictor variables
  2. Comparisons - functions of two or more predictions (e.g. contrasts, differences, risk ratios, odds)
  3. Slopes - partial derivatives of the regression equation with respect to a regressor of interest (e.g. marginal effects)
  4. Hypothesis tests - are the results statistically significant (distinguishable from zero)?


These methods apply to all forms of generalized linear models (GLMs), including linear regression, logistic regression, and other forms of outcomes.

Some models are straight-forward to interpret…

Characteristic Beta 95% CI1 p-value
bill_length_mm 87 75, 100 <0.001
1 CI = Confidence Interval

…others, not so much

Characteristic Beta 95% CI1 p-value
bill_length_mm 73 52, 94 <0.001

    Chinstrap 1,146 -282, 2,575 0.12
    Gentoo 55 -1,165, 1,274 >0.9
flipper_length_mm 27 21, 34 <0.001
bill_length_mm * species

    bill_length_mm * Chinstrap -41 -73, -9.4 0.011
    bill_length_mm * Gentoo -1.2 -30, 27 >0.9
1 CI = Confidence Interval

Art history

Gender representation in Gardner’s Art Through the Ages (1926-2020)

Characteristic log(OR)1 95% CI1 p-value
publication_year 0.04 0.03, 0.05 <0.001
1 OR = Odds Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval

Marginal effect of a non-linear slope

Marginal effect of a non-linear slope

Intepreting statistical models with marginaleffects


marginaleffects is an R (and Python) package that provides a simple way to interpret results from a range of regression models

Implements a standardized interface for nearly 100 model types



  • Estimate predictions from a model for specific values of the predictors
    • What is the expected price for a three-bedroom house in a suburban area, adjusting for the house’s size, age, local amenities, and the current real estate market conditions?
    • What is the expected turnout for elections in rural and urban areas, adjusting for national voting intentions and democratic characteristics?
  • Estimate predictions from a model for average values in the dataset
    • Average predicted outcome in the whole dataset
    • Average predicted outcome for distinct subgroups in the data
  • Emphasis on estimating predictions on the response scale

Predictions of penguin body mass

lm_mod <- linear_reg() |>
  fit(body_mass_g ~ bill_length_mm + species, data = penguins) |>

pred <- predictions(lm_mod)
Extract the underlying fit object for marginaleffects

 Estimate Std. Error   z Pr(>|z|)   S 2.5 % 97.5 %
     3729       30.6 122   <0.001 Inf  3669   3789
     3765       30.9 122   <0.001 Inf  3705   3826
     3839       32.3 119   <0.001 Inf  3775   3902
     3509       33.8 104   <0.001 Inf  3443   3576
     3747       30.7 122   <0.001 Inf  3687   3807
     3711       30.6 121   <0.001 Inf  3651   3770

Columns: rowid, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, body_mass_g, bill_length_mm, species 
Type:  response 

Predictions of artist gender

glm_mod <- logistic_reg() |>
  fit(artist_gender ~ publication_year, data = artist_subset) |>

pred <- predictions(glm_mod, type = "response")

 Estimate Std. Error    z Pr(>|z|)     S  2.5 % 97.5 %
   0.0696    0.00640 10.9   <0.001  89.2 0.0571 0.0821
   0.0823    0.00638 12.9   <0.001 124.3 0.0698 0.0948
   0.0972    0.00662 14.7   <0.001 159.7 0.0842 0.1101
   0.1107    0.00725 15.3   <0.001 172.5 0.0965 0.1249
   0.1259    0.00847 14.9   <0.001 163.4 0.1093 0.1425
   0.1428    0.01040 13.7   <0.001 140.2 0.1224 0.1632

Columns: rowid, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, artist_gender, publication_year 
Type:  response 
pred <- predictions(glm_mod, type = "link")

 Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)     S 2.5 % 97.5 %
    -2.59     0.0988 -26.2   <0.001 502.0 -2.79  -2.40
    -2.41     0.0844 -28.6   <0.001 594.1 -2.58  -2.25
    -2.23     0.0754 -29.5   <0.001 634.9 -2.38  -2.08
    -2.08     0.0736 -28.3   <0.001 582.6 -2.23  -1.94
    -1.94     0.0770 -25.2   <0.001 461.8 -2.09  -1.79
    -1.79     0.0849 -21.1   <0.001 326.0 -1.96  -1.63

Columns: rowid, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, artist_gender, publication_year 
Type:  link 

Grid of profiles

  • Profile - combination of values of the predictor variables
  • Grid - collection of one or more profiles
  • Profiles do not have to correspond to actual observations in the dataset
    • All observations in the dataset
    • Average values of each variable
    • Specific observed (or hypothetical) values of the predictors
    • Context-dependent - what do you (or your audience) want to know?

Empirical distribution


 Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)   S 2.5 % 97.5 %
     3729       30.6 121.8   <0.001 Inf  3669   3789
     3765       30.9 121.7   <0.001 Inf  3705   3826
     3839       32.3 119.0   <0.001 Inf  3775   3902
     3509       33.8 103.9   <0.001 Inf  3443   3576
     3747       30.7 121.9   <0.001 Inf  3687   3807
--- 332 rows omitted. See ?avg_predictions and ?print.marginaleffects --- 
     4370       66.1  66.1   <0.001 Inf  4240   4500
     3245       58.5  55.5   <0.001 Inf  3131   3360
     3803       45.8  83.0   <0.001 Inf  3713   3893
     3913       47.5  82.4   <0.001 Inf  3820   4006
     3858       46.5  83.0   <0.001 Inf  3767   3949
Columns: rowid, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, body_mass_g, bill_length_mm, species 
Type:  response 

User-specified values

Hypothetical values

predictions(lm_mod, newdata = datagrid(
  species = "Adelie",
  bill_length_mm = c(30, 40, 50, 60),
  model = lm_mod

 species bill_length_mm Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)   S 2.5 % 97.5 %
  Adelie             30     2897       67.8  42.7   <0.001 Inf  2764   3030
  Adelie             40     3811       31.7 120.4   <0.001 Inf  3749   3873
  Adelie             50     4726       83.0  56.9   <0.001 Inf  4563   4888
  Adelie             60     5640      149.2  37.8   <0.001 Inf  5347   5932

Columns: rowid, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, species, bill_length_mm, body_mass_g 
Type:  response 

User-specified values

Average values

predictions(lm_mod, newdata = datagrid(
  FUN_factor = unique, FUN_numeric = median, model = lm_mod

 Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)   S 2.5 % 97.5 % bill_length_mm   species
     4218       49.5  85.2   <0.001 Inf  4121   4315           44.5 Adelie   
     4797       39.8 120.4   <0.001 Inf  4719   4875           44.5 Gentoo   
     3332       54.6  61.0   <0.001 Inf  3225   3439           44.5 Chinstrap

Columns: rowid, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, bill_length_mm, species, body_mass_g 
Type:  response 

Representative values

Adjusted prediction at the mean - predicted outcome when all regressors are held at their mean (or mode)

predictions(lm_mod, newdata = "mean")

 Estimate Std. Error    z Pr(>|z|)   S 2.5 % 97.5 % bill_length_mm  sex
     4408       49.7 88.7   <0.001 Inf  4310   4505             44 male

Columns: rowid, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, bill_length_mm, sex, body_mass_g 
Type:  response 

Aggregating predictions

  • Hard to communicate results if number of observations is large
  • Compute aggregated predictions for the entire dataset, or distinct subgroups

Average predictions

gender_year_national_fit <- logistic_reg() |>
  fit(artist_gender ~ publication_year * artist_nationality, data = artist_subset) |>


 Estimate Pr(>|z|)     S  2.5 % 97.5 %
    0.066   <0.001 443.2 0.0541 0.0802

Columns: estimate, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high 
Type:  invlink(link) 

Average predictions by group

predictions(gender_year_national_fit, by = "artist_nationality")

 artist_nationality Estimate Pr(>|z|)     S  2.5 % 97.5 %
           American   0.1661   <0.001 118.9 0.1342 0.2038
           French     0.0289   <0.001 152.2 0.0181 0.0459
           Other      0.0729   <0.001 192.2 0.0546 0.0968
           British    0.0820   <0.001  55.9 0.0488 0.1346

Columns: artist_nationality, estimate, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high 
Type:  invlink(link) 

Visualizing predictions

plot_predictions(gender_year_national_fit, condition = "artist_nationality")

Visualizing predictions

  condition = c("publication_year", "artist_nationality")

Customizing plots

  condition = c("publication_year", "artist_nationality")
) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = label_percent()) +
  scale_color_OkabeIto(aesthetics = c("color", "fill"), guide = "none") +
  facet_wrap(facets = vars(artist_nationality)) +
    x = "Publication year",
    y = "Predicted probability artist is female"
  ) +
  theme(legend.position = "top")



Functions of two or more predictions

  • Differences
  • Risk ratios
  • Relative odds

Comparisons are useful for

  • Understanding the relationship between predictors and the outcome
  • Comparing the effect of different predictors
  • Communicating results to a non-technical audience

Quantity of interest

  • Predictor type - how does the explanator of interest change?
    • Numeric variable - one-unit increase
    • Categorical variable - difference between one category and its baseline
  • Comparison type - how do we compare the two predicted outcomes?
    • Difference - how much does the outcome change?
    • Ratio - how many times does the outcome change?
    • Odds - how many times more likely is the outcome?


# hypothetical artist
artist <- tibble(
  publication_year = 1950,
  artist_nationality = "American"

comparisons(gender_year_national_fit, newdata = artist)

               Term           Contrast Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)    S
 artist_nationality British - American -0.01286   0.029251 -0.44    0.660  0.6
 artist_nationality French - American  -0.03818   0.017803 -2.14    0.032  5.0
 artist_nationality Other - American   -0.02687   0.019224 -1.40    0.162  2.6
 publication_year   +1                  0.00134   0.000225  5.96   <0.001 28.6
     2.5 %   97.5 % publication_year artist_nationality
 -0.070190  0.04447             1950           American
 -0.073077 -0.00329             1950           American
 -0.064543  0.01081             1950           American
  0.000899  0.00178             1950           American

Columns: rowid, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted, publication_year, artist_nationality, artist_gender 
Type:  response 


comparisons(gender_year_national_fit, newdata = artist, comparison = "ratio")

               Term           Contrast Estimate Std. Error      z Pr(>|z|)   S
 artist_nationality British / American    0.704    0.61052   1.15    0.249 2.0
 artist_nationality French / American     0.121    0.09944   1.21    0.225 2.2
 artist_nationality Other / American      0.381    0.24246   1.57    0.116 3.1
 publication_year   +1                    1.031    0.00782 131.84   <0.001 Inf
   2.5 % 97.5 % publication_year artist_nationality
 -0.4927  1.901             1950           American
 -0.0742  0.316             1950           American
 -0.0939  0.857             1950           American
  1.0155  1.046             1950           American

Columns: rowid, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted, publication_year, artist_nationality, artist_gender 
Type:  response 


  newdata = artist,
  variables = list(publication_year = 10)

             Term Contrast Estimate Std. Error    z Pr(>|z|)    S  2.5 % 97.5 %
 publication_year      +10   0.0153    0.00213 7.18   <0.001 40.4 0.0111 0.0195
 publication_year artist_nationality
             1950           American

Columns: rowid, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted, publication_year, artist_nationality, artist_gender 
Type:  response 

Conditional differences

In most models, the effect of a predictor depends on the values of other predictors

  • Linear regression (with interaction terms, quadratic terms, etc.)
  • Logistic regression
  • Poisson regression
  • Survival models

What comparisons do we want to make? What portion of the predictor space do we cover?

  • Empirical distribution
  • User-specified values
  • Representative values

Empirical distribution

comparisons(gender_year_national_fit, variables = "publication_year")

             Term Contrast Estimate Std. Error    z Pr(>|z|)    S   2.5 %
 publication_year       +1  0.00394   0.000716 5.51  < 0.001 24.8 0.00254
 publication_year       +1  0.00440   0.000906 4.86  < 0.001 19.7 0.00263
 publication_year       +1  0.00488   0.001113 4.38  < 0.001 16.4 0.00269
 publication_year       +1  0.00526   0.001286 4.09  < 0.001 14.5 0.00274
 publication_year       +1  0.00565   0.001459 3.87  < 0.001 13.2 0.00279
  97.5 %
--- 2231 rows omitted. See ?avg_comparisons and ?print.marginaleffects --- 
 publication_year       +1  0.00383   0.001285 2.98  0.00292 8.4 0.00131
 publication_year       +1  0.00412   0.001450 2.84  0.00446 7.8 0.00128
 publication_year       +1  0.00454   0.001681 2.70  0.00693 7.2 0.00124
 publication_year       +1  0.00412   0.001450 2.84  0.00446 7.8 0.00128
 publication_year       +1  0.00454   0.001681 2.70  0.00693 7.2 0.00124
  97.5 %
Columns: rowid, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted, artist_gender, publication_year, artist_nationality 
Type:  response 

               Term           Contrast Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)   S
 artist_nationality British - American -0.06448    0.02837 -2.27  0.02302 5.4
 artist_nationality British - American -0.07582    0.02782 -2.73  0.00642 7.3
 artist_nationality British - American -0.08852    0.02875 -3.08  0.00207 8.9
 artist_nationality British - American -0.09964    0.03124 -3.19  0.00143 9.5
 artist_nationality British - American -0.11161    0.03570 -3.13  0.00177 9.1
    2.5 %   97.5 %
 -0.12007 -0.00888
 -0.13035 -0.02130
 -0.14486 -0.03218
 -0.16088 -0.03840
 -0.18158 -0.04164
--- 8954 rows omitted. See ?avg_comparisons and ?print.marginaleffects --- 
 publication_year   +1                  0.00383    0.00129  2.98  0.00292 8.4
 publication_year   +1                  0.00412    0.00145  2.84  0.00446 7.8
 publication_year   +1                  0.00454    0.00168  2.70  0.00693 7.2
 publication_year   +1                  0.00412    0.00145  2.84  0.00446 7.8
 publication_year   +1                  0.00454    0.00168  2.70  0.00693 7.2
    2.5 %   97.5 %
  0.00131  0.00635
  0.00128  0.00697
  0.00124  0.00783
  0.00128  0.00697
  0.00124  0.00783
Columns: rowid, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted, artist_gender, publication_year, artist_nationality 
Type:  response 

Empirical distribution

User-specified values

# French artist in 1950
  newdata = datagrid(
    publication_year = 1950,
    artist_nationality = "French"

               Term           Contrast publication_year artist_nationality
 artist_nationality British - American             1950             French
 artist_nationality French - American              1950             French
 artist_nationality Other - American               1950             French
 publication_year   +1                             1950             French
  Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)   S     2.5 %    97.5 %
 -0.012858   2.93e-02 -0.44   0.6602 0.6 -7.02e-02  0.044474
 -0.038184   1.78e-02 -2.14   0.0320 5.0 -7.31e-02 -0.003291
 -0.026865   1.92e-02 -1.40   0.1623 2.6 -6.45e-02  0.010813
  0.000219   9.11e-05  2.40   0.0163 5.9  4.03e-05  0.000397

Columns: rowid, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, publication_year, artist_nationality, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted, artist_gender 
Type:  response 

Representative values

comparisons(gender_year_national_fit, newdata = "mean")

               Term           Contrast Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)    S
 artist_nationality British - American -0.07161   0.027900 -2.57   0.0103  6.6
 artist_nationality French - American  -0.12476   0.019320 -6.46   <0.001 33.1
 artist_nationality Other - American   -0.08531   0.020937 -4.07   <0.001 14.4
 publication_year   +1                  0.00128   0.000335  3.80   <0.001 12.8
     2.5 %   97.5 % publication_year artist_nationality
 -0.126292 -0.01693             1994             French
 -0.162627 -0.08689             1994             French
 -0.126349 -0.04428             1994             French
  0.000618  0.00193             1994             French

Columns: rowid, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted, publication_year, artist_nationality, artist_gender 
Type:  response 


Computationally efficient, but only makes sense if the “average” individual actually exists in the dataset.

Aggregating comparisons

Same as with predictions

  • Average comparison for the whole dataset
  • Average comparison for distinct subgroups in the data

Average comparisons


               Term           Contrast Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)    S
 artist_nationality British - American -0.08264   0.026459 -3.12  0.00179  9.1
 artist_nationality French - American  -0.13410   0.017412 -7.70  < 0.001 46.1
 artist_nationality Other - American   -0.09095   0.018761 -4.85  < 0.001 19.6
 publication_year   +1                  0.00268   0.000409  6.55  < 0.001 34.0
    2.5 %   97.5 %
 -0.13450 -0.03078
 -0.16823 -0.09997
 -0.12772 -0.05417
  0.00188  0.00348

Columns: term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high 
Type:  response 


  variables = list(publication_year = 10),
  by = "artist_nationality"

             Term  Contrast artist_nationality Estimate Std. Error    z
 publication_year mean(+10)           American   0.0505    0.01217 4.15
 publication_year mean(+10)           British    0.0217    0.01458 1.49
 publication_year mean(+10)           French     0.0178    0.00703 2.54
 publication_year mean(+10)           Other      0.0298    0.00893 3.34
 Pr(>|z|)    S    2.5 % 97.5 %
   <0.001 14.9  0.02666 0.0743
   0.1375  2.9 -0.00692 0.0502
   0.0112  6.5  0.00405 0.0316
   <0.001 10.2  0.01232 0.0473

Columns: term, contrast, artist_nationality, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted 
Type:  response 

Visualizing comparisons

Visualizing comparisons



Partial derivatives of the regression equation with respect to a regressor of interest.1

  • Marginal effects
  • Trends
  • Velocity

Since slopes are conditional quantities, they can be aggregated in a number of ways.

Average marginal effects

Average Marginal Effects (AME)

bm_fit <- extract_fit_engine(bm_complex_fit)


              Term           Contrast Estimate Std. Error       z Pr(>|z|)    S
 bill_length_mm    dY/dX                 64.11       7.12  9.0034   <0.001 62.0
 flipper_length_mm dY/dX                 27.26       3.18  8.5865   <0.001 56.6
 species           Chinstrap - Adelie  -656.05      94.90 -6.9128   <0.001 37.6
 species           Gentoo - Adelie        3.65      95.21  0.0383    0.969  0.0
  2.5 % 97.5 %
   50.2   78.1
   21.0   33.5
 -842.1 -470.0
 -183.0  190.3

Columns: term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high 
Type:  response 

Group-Average Marginal Effects (G-AME)

Group-Average Marginal Effects (G-AME)

avg_slopes(bm_fit, variables = "bill_length_mm", by = "species")

           Term    Contrast   species Estimate Std. Error    z Pr(>|z|)    S
 bill_length_mm mean(dY/dX) Adelie        72.7       10.6 6.83   <0.001 36.8
 bill_length_mm mean(dY/dX) Chinstrap     31.7       12.7 2.48    0.013  6.3
 bill_length_mm mean(dY/dX) Gentoo        71.5       10.8 6.60   <0.001 34.5
 2.5 % 97.5 %
 51.83   93.5
  6.68   56.6
 50.28   92.8

Columns: term, contrast, species, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted 
Type:  response 

Group-Average Marginal Effects (G-AME)

plot_slopes(bm_fit, variables = "bill_length_mm", condition = "species")

Group-Average Marginal Effects (G-AME)

plot_slopes(bm_fit, variables = "species", condition = "bill_length_mm")

Marginal Effects at user-specified or Representative values (MER)

Marginal Effects at user-specified or Representative values (MER)

  newdata = datagrid(
    flipper_length_mm = 180,
    species = c("Adelie", "Gentoo")

              Term           Contrast flipper_length_mm species Estimate
 bill_length_mm    dY/dX                            180  Adelie    72.69
 bill_length_mm    dY/dX                            180  Gentoo    71.53
 flipper_length_mm dY/dX                            180  Adelie    27.26
 flipper_length_mm dY/dX                            180  Gentoo    27.26
 species           Chinstrap - Adelie               180  Adelie  -656.05
 species           Chinstrap - Adelie               180  Gentoo  -656.05
 species           Gentoo - Adelie                  180  Adelie     3.65
 species           Gentoo - Adelie                  180  Gentoo     3.65
 Std. Error       z Pr(>|z|)    S  2.5 % 97.5 %
      10.64  6.8304   <0.001 36.8   51.8   93.6
      10.87  6.5830   <0.001 34.3   50.2   92.8
       3.17  8.5877   <0.001 56.6   21.0   33.5
       3.18  8.5844   <0.001 56.6   21.0   33.5
      94.90 -6.9128   <0.001 37.6 -842.1 -470.0
      94.90 -6.9128   <0.001 37.6 -842.1 -470.0
      95.21  0.0383    0.969  0.0 -183.0  190.3
      95.21  0.0383    0.969  0.0 -183.0  190.3

Columns: rowid, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, flipper_length_mm, species, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted, bill_length_mm, body_mass_g 
Type:  response 


Identical to comparisons for representative values assuming you use default settings

Marginal Effects at the Mean (MEM)

Marginal Effects at the Mean (MEM)

slopes(bm_fit, newdata = "mean")

              Term           Contrast Estimate Std. Error       z Pr(>|z|)    S
 bill_length_mm    dY/dX                 72.69      10.64  6.8312   <0.001 36.8
 flipper_length_mm dY/dX                 27.26       3.17  8.5877   <0.001 56.6
 species           Chinstrap - Adelie  -656.05      94.90 -6.9128   <0.001 37.6
 species           Gentoo - Adelie        3.65      95.21  0.0383    0.969  0.0
  2.5 % 97.5 %
   51.8   93.5
   21.0   33.5
 -842.1 -470.0
 -183.0  190.3

Columns: rowid, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted, bill_length_mm, species, flipper_length_mm, body_mass_g 
Type:  response 


Application exercise


  • Go to the course GitHub org and find your ae-19 (repo name will be suffixed with your GitHub name).
  • Clone the repo in RStudio Workbench, open the Quarto document in the repo, and follow along and complete the exercises.



  • Interpreting and explainin machine learning models is critical for obtaining buy-in from stakeholders.
  • White-box models naturally lend themselves to interpretation and explanation.
  • Marginal effects can be used to understand the impact of a predictor on the outcome variable.
  • Marginal effects are conditional on the underlying data and can be aggregated in various ways.

Acknowledgements and additional resources