Interactive reporting with Shiny (I)

Lecture 19

Dr. Benjamin Soltoff

Cornell University
INFO 3312/5312 - Spring 2025

April 9, 2024



  • Friday labs canceled - group meetings with me instead for project feedback
  • Revised project proposals due Wednesday at 11:59pm


  • Introduce Shiny for interactive web applications
  • Review implementation of basic Shiny app
  • Develop user interfaces with Shiny

Shiny: High level view

Every Shiny app has a webpage that the user visits,
and behind this webpage there is a computer that serves this webpage by running R (or Python!).

When running your app locally, the computer serving your app is your computer.

When your app is deployed, the computer serving your app is a web server.

Dating rules

Age gaps

Dating rules

Anatomy of a Shiny app

Whatโ€™s in an app?


ui <- fluidPage()

server <- function(input, output, session) {}

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
  • User interface controls the layout and appearance of app

  • Server function contains instructions needed to build app

Inputs and outputs

  • For interactivity, app needs inputs and outputs
  • Inputs - things user can toggle/adjust
  • Output - R objects user can see, often depend on inputs



ui <- fluidPage(
    inputId = "num",
    label = "Choose a number",
    min = 0, max = 100,
    value = 20)

server <- function(input, output) {}

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


sliderInput(inputId = "num", label = "Choose a number",
            min = 0, max = 100, value = 20)
<div class="form-group shiny-input-container">
  <label class="control-label" id="num-label" for="num">Choose a number</label>
  <input class="js-range-slider" id="num" data-skin="shiny" data-min="0" data-max="100" data-from="20" data-step="1" data-grid="true" data-grid-num="10" data-grid-snap="false" data-prettify-separator="," data-prettify-enabled="true" data-keyboard="true" data-data-type="number"/>



  inputId = "num", 
  label = "Choose a number",
  min = 0,
  max = 100, 
  value = 20
  • Input name
  • Label to display
  • Input-specific arguments


Function Outputs
plotOutput() plot
tableOutput() table
uiOutput() Shiny UI element
textOutput() text
  • Plots, tables, text - anything that R creates and users see
  • Initialize as empty placeholder space until object is created



ui <- fluidPage(
    inputId = "num",
    label = "Choose a number",
    min = 0, max = 100,
    value = 20),

server <- function(input, output) {}

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


Modern UI toolkit for Shiny based on Bootstrap:

Learn more at


  title = "I got",
  value = "99 problems",
  showcase = bs_icon("music-note-beamed"),
  p("bslib ain't one", bs_icon("emoji-smile")),
  p("hit me", bs_icon("suit-spade"))

I got

99 problems

bslib ain't one

hit me

Shiny + Quarto

Any document can be a Shiny document

  1. Include runtime: shiny in YAML header

    title: "My app"
    format: html
    server: shiny
  2. Include a context: server chunk which replaces server.R

    #| context: server

Application exercise


  • Go to the course GitHub org and find your ae-16 (repo name will be suffixed with your GitHub name).
  • Clone the repo in RStudio Workbench, open the Quarto document in the repo, and follow along and complete the exercises.

Age rule app

  • Navigate to the age-rule folder, and launch the app by opening the app.R file and clicking on Run App.
  • Close the app by clicking the stop icon

Exploring the impact of climate change

National Risk Index



  • Shiny apps are interactive web applications built using R or Python
  • Use server-side rendering to dynamically generate content
  • Design a user interface with inputs and outputs
  • Combine Shiny with Quarto for interactive documents/dashboards
