gapminder_filtered <- gapminder |>filter(year >2000)base_plot <-ggplot(data = gapminder_filtered,mapping =aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp,color = continent, size = pop )) +geom_point() +# Use dollars, and get rid of the cents part (i.e. $300 instead of $300.00)scale_x_log10(labels =label_dollar(scale_cut =cut_short_scale())) +# Format with commasscale_size_continuous(labels =label_comma()) +# Use dark 3scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette ="Dark 3") +labs(x ="GDP per capita", y ="Life expectancy",color ="Continent", size ="Population",title ="Here's a cool title",subtitle ="And here's a neat subtitle",caption ="Source: The Gapminder Project" ) +facet_wrap(facets =vars(year))base_plot
Change the theme
base_plot +theme_minimal()
Create a custom theme
# change base fontmy_pretty_theme <-theme_minimal(base_family ="Roboto Condensed", base_size =14) +theme(# Remove minor grid linespanel.grid.minor =element_blank(),# Bold, bigger titleplot.title =element_text(face ="bold", size =rel(1.7)),# Plain, slightly bigger subtitle that is greyplot.subtitle =element_text(face ="plain", size =rel(1.3), color ="grey70"),# Italic, smaller, grey caption that is left-alignedplot.caption =element_text(face ="italic", size =rel(0.7),color ="grey70", hjust =0 ),# Bold legend titleslegend.title =element_text(face ="bold"),# Bold, slightly larger facet titles that are left-aligned for the sake of repetitionstrip.text =element_text(face ="bold", size =rel(1.1), hjust =0),# Bold axis titlesaxis.title =element_text(face ="bold"),# Add some space above the x-axis title and make it left-alignedaxis.title.x =element_text(margin =margin(t =10), hjust =0),# Add some space to the right of the y-axis title and make it top-alignedaxis.title.y =element_text(margin =margin(r =10), hjust =1),# Add a light grey background to the facet titles, with no bordersstrip.background =element_rect(fill ="grey90", color =NA),# Add a thin grey border around all the plots to tie in the facet titlespanel.border =element_rect(color ="grey90", fill =NA) )
library(palmerpenguins)ggplot(data =drop_na(penguins, sex),mapping =aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = body_mass_g, color =str_to_title(sex))) +geom_point(size =3, alpha =0.5) +scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette ="Dark 3") +scale_y_continuous(labels =label_comma()) +facet_wrap(vars(species)) +labs(x ="Bill length (mm)", y ="Body mass (g)", color ="Sex",title ="Gentoo penguins are the largest",subtitle ="But females are typically smaller than males",caption ="Here's a caption" ) + my_pretty_theme
A note on custom fonts
Custom fonts in ggplot2
Rendering text and custom fonts has been historically difficult in R (and many other programming languages)
Requires unifying the graphics device, operating system, text rendering, and R
Several approaches exist with ggplot2 to simplify this process
extrafont and showfont
ragg is a package that provides a consistent way to render fonts across different devices
Install fonts directly on system and use ragg as the graphics device
Many great uses for this workflow! But it requires the ability to directly install fonts on the device…